Beautyful of SPG

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Sales Promotion Girl (SPG) as the spearhead of marketing a product

Back to the matter of SPG. The presence of a SPG in a promotional event, and includes a mobile event or Stand Exhibition Road Trip, a little more help companies attract prospective buyers. It is based on first appearance in the show by SPG with physical appearance that is usually interesting. After seeing the appearance of SPG and its offer of interest, usually the prospective buyers thought to try the product or simply receive samples / brochures handed in by the SPG. Samples or brochures is what later became an early bridge of communication between the SPG with prospective buyers. Samples are usually provided by a company that sells food products, beverages or tobacco products. A sample cigarette or drink a glass of orange flavor freedrink usually often in the offer by the SPG this. And for products that do not use the free samples are usually enough to free tests, such as computer products, Internet modem or a motorcycle as well.

But a lot also often feel perusahaanyang terbantukan optimally by the SPG SPG iniTerutama non-organic. This happens because non-organic SPG usually do not have a good competence of the products sold. Product knowledge is often not well mastered. This is because there is not enough time to learn it because SPG is often accept jobs in a snap. But many also SPG a little indifferent to the product knowledge. They think only how to attract potential buyers with his performance and then they handed me a brochure then describes in outline only and they only think how to work hours that he lived to be over soon and then get his reward. In contrast to the organic SPG, they control more product knowledge because he is an integral part in companies that produce products that he sold. but not necessarily all SPG has shortcomings like most non-organic SPG earlier. SPG also many who try to learn knowledge about the products he sold. They position themselves as candidates for most consumers, which always wants to understand the details of products which will he buy it and master more knowledge of the product. Even if you need professional SPG like this will buy the products he offers for his own understanding of what consumers felt that buying the product and then it compares with competitors' products. Because in addition to controlled almost all the product knowledge that he can offer, SPG also be aware of what is being done by a competitor or competitors. Whether it's about the excellent product and the programs that are running competitors. Take for example, an SPG kartuHALO kartuHALO must master product knowledge and be familiar with the programs that run Postpaid Cellular services such as Xplor from Excelcomindo Pratama and Matrix of Indosat. Vice versa. Well, this is where the need is the name of CAD (Competittor Activity Data).

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